While their has been a lot of talk about this film being released almost a year after its original due date and the problems Marty had with agreeing to a final edit of this film, finally Leo fans can rejoice that the film can speak for itself.....or can it?
The Good
I went in expecting a horror film and what I got was a dramatic thriller at best. The plot thickens in the final hour of the movie which leads you to forget about most of the first hour non linear and at times confusing movie mash up. What ever the case is you feel like their way more to the story then you see and it keeps you minimally gripped. The performances keep the intrigue at a peak and the cinematography creates an atmosphere that leaves you feeling creepy and claustrophobic.
The Bad
Brace yourself. This is not Marty's best work by any means. In fact, if Leo was not in every single frame of the film their would be reason to fast forward through this on DVD rather then watch it on the big screen. Michelle Williams plays his mis cast wife who can't save the confusing story and the other supporting cast further the leads the movie down a dark hole that most viewers won't even want to come out of.
The Ugly
Mark Ruffalo must be sleeping with someone in Hollywood who has a lot of pull because he is one of the worst actors of this generation. With so much talent to choose from playing Leo's sidekick was the worst casting choice I've seen in a long time. Also, their are some green screen choices that look too forced that further loses the audience at many parts.
All in all I give the film a 3 out of 5 but I do feel like I am being nice about that rating considering what the Leo/Marty team is capable of.