Saturday, August 29, 2009

What TIFF might be missing....

Every year in anticipation of the Toronto FIlm Festival I do a little investigating during the summer about films that I expect to show up with lavish openings at the festival. There is the usual Sundance favorites that are show ins however their is also a wealth of Fall releases to potentially choose from. Thais brings me to the post today. Here are a few films that are NOT coming to TIFF which I am shocked to NOT see in Toronto's fest this year. Keep in mind I am not an insider and so I can understand if films just are not ready, however I've also screened rough cuts at TIFF well in advance and the potetnital for hype this festival creates should be motivation enough to get your film done. However, the sceptic in me also worries that these films that I am anticipating great things from yet are absent may not be great flicks - which would suck.

So here goes
At the top I have to say I was expecting Martin and Leo to be here for Shutter Island. I do however know that this film has now been pushed to next uear for various reasons so I can't really factor the title into this list.

seems to the fall movie that will get the most Oscar potential. Though is opens the day after the fest begins you would think with a cast like Elijah and John C, not to mention the trailer this seems like it would have been right up TIFFs alley.

The Other Man - Liam, Antonio, Laura - Come on the only reason I see this film not being in the fest is because its a love triangle and oh yah Atom Egoyans film is a love triangle to and stars oh wait right Liam Neeson - okay Atom you can pull Canadian rank just this one time.

Amelia - Mira Nair
is a TIFF regular and this film was shot in Canada as well (never mind that it stars Hilary Swank). It has TIFF written all over it with its historical character and stellar cast rounded out by Gere and McGregor.

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - John Karzinski's directorial debut and again NO TIFF

New York, I Love you - this is a tribute to New York by several high profile directors including Mira Nair and Brett Ratner. Where else but a film festival like Toronto would this film garner any public attention? Could it be Proton (who stars in the film) has her first not so great performance to offer?

Where the Wild Things Are
- This is my last title to call out in this 'why not' cry posting. Spike Jonze cannot rish this film being a flop and with all the hyoe around the film you would think at least a work in progress would be screened at the festival that launched the biggest Oscar races last year and in the past.

I've hyper linked most of the trailers for you to be the judge. I guess only time will tell if TIFF missed the boat on these titles.....I do want to say thank you to the programmers though for ignoring the trainwreck that will be FAME.